
Terms and Guidelines

Important: Please read our content submission terms and guidelines carefully before taking the step and write for us.
Your content must be of your own and has never been published before or will be published on any other site online in the future.
Your content must be free from any grammar errors or spelling mistakes. Those are the basics of high quality content.

We encourage you to review your content on Grammarly to correct any unintended grammar or spelling mistakes. It's free and powerful.
Your content should be at least 1000 words or more, include paragraphs must use headings like H1, H2 and/or H3 ... etc
SiteReq provides a great collection of content publishing tools like uploading a main banner for your post.

Please upload a related banner to your post instead of the default one. You can use Pexels to pick a good stock image for your post main banner for free.
Do not webspam your content with links to avoid rejections. For a good rate we will accept one link (either follow or no-follow) every 400 words.
Do not hide links or text with CSS. This can lead to rejecting your post and banning your account from using the website forever.
Include images and infographics in your post. Posts with images and infographics are more readable and helpful for the readers and also perform better with search engines.
Guest posts are absolutely free on SiteReq and we do not pay for writing content. Our goal is to enrich the site with a lot of useful information to perfectly serve our readers.
We have the right to embed ads with in your content to our services and to other clients if needed.
Approving and publishing your content is not the end of the line. We do regular checks on approved content against plagiarism or re-publishing to other sites.

If SiteReq team detected that you republished your content on any other site at any time, your post will be rejected from the site.

The same applys to sponsored posts and the fees will not be refunded.